My child, you will never feel fully satisfied or completely fulfilled here on earth. This is not your home. Your spirit longs to be with Me, but I have you here for a purpose. As long as you keep your eyes fixed on Me and your heart fully surrendered to Me, I will fulfill My desire through you. You can experience joy, peace and blessing and have a sense of accomplishment as I work through you, but do not expect total fulfillment or complete satisfaction. That is reserved for you in heaven. Long for that day, but be productive in the mean time. I have a plan and it is good.
Tag Archives: Peace
Be At Peace
My child, My peace I give to you. My joy I share with you. My love I bestow on you to share with those around you. Look to Me for all of your needs. I supply richly to all who come to Me and ask. Come, spend time with Me. I give generously all that your soul desires. I am the One who fulfills your every need. I am the One who satisfies. Rest in My Presence. Abide in the shelter of My wings. Be at peace with Me, the lover of your soul.
Peace I give to you
My child, peace I give to you. Not as the world gives it. My peace surpasses anything the world offers. Things might be going crazy in this world, but you have My peace residing in you. You are not to be ruffled or anxious. Do not be alarmed. Be at peace. Nothing that happens shocks Me. I know the end from the beginning and I am well aware of every circumstance, past, present and future. So come and rest in Me. Let Me be your all and all. Rest, knowing that I am on the throne and will cause all things to work together for good.
My child, as long as you are on this side of heaven you will be conflicted, because I created you and designed you to be with Me in heaven for eternity. But I have placed you here on earth for a short time and your heart and soul desires its true home. There in lies the conflict. Abide in Me, for in Me you will know peace. But I will not take away the desire to be with Me. That never goes away. When you abide in Me you will discover your true purpose for being here and will walk in fullness of joy. So many people are depressed and messed up because they refuse to abide in Me, so they experience conflict without peace. I have called you to a higher life, rooted and grounded in Me, flowing with the river of life. A light shining in the darkness and one who rules and reigns and walks in My love and authority. Abiding in Me is the key to this fantastic life here on earth until we’re together, in your true home. Be courageous and fight the good fight. Stay connected to Me and I will make your path straight.
Beloved, there is so much to be thankful for. Set your mind on things above, not on what you see here on earth. Be on the alert, the devil prowls around looking for someone to devour. Guard your heart and mind. Be equipped with My armor. I have not called you to wallow in the muck and mire of negativity. I gave you life, joy and peace in the Holy Spirit. Represent Me well while you are here on earth. Colossians 3:2 1 Peter 5:8 Romans 14:17
Lasting Peace
My child, I will show you what is important and what you should give your attention to. I will direct your path and open up opportunities to serve Me and others. Give your attention to Me and not to the distractions of this world. For I will lead and guide you into a better way. I will show you My glory and the work of your hands will be established and fruitful. Choose Me over every other pursuit. For then I can lead you into purposeful living and fulfillment. Joy comes from being wholly devoted and fully surrendered to Me. Hold nothing back from Me. For I have My perfect plan in place. Your life is not your own. I purchased you for a purpose. Surrender to Me and you will walk in lasting peace. Your Father who loves you with everlasting love.
Perfect Peace
Beloved, I will keep you in perfect peace when you keep your mind fixed on Me. Trust Me. You don’t have to be in bondage to your feelings. Overcome fear with faith. Turn your fearful thoughts over to Me and I will flood your soul with the peace that surpasses all understanding. Isaiah 26:3 Philippians 4:7
Beloved, joy comes from Me. When you believe Me and walk in truth, you will experience My joy. For My Kingdom is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 3 John 1:4, Romans 14:17, 15:13
I Am Strong
Let the weak say I am strong! By My Holy Spirit I give strength to those who have no voice. I have overcome the evil one in this world. Do not fear. By My hand and by My power I have overcome the enemy of your soul. As people are crying ‘death and destruction’, I bring life and peace. The enemy knows he is defeated. He knows his time is short. He is doing everything he can to put fear in the saints. Do not succumb to his lies. I am victorious. The battle is already won! Joel 3:10
Freedom ~ Peace ~ Joy
My child, when it is My will, I will bring it about. Do not worry or fret. I will bring it about in My perfect time. Your worrying about it will not cause it to happen any faster. Rest in Me. Believe and trust that I your Father will accomplish what I desire in and through you. I did not send My Son so you would live a life of worry and anxiety, but that you would live in freedom, peace and joy. Walk in the joy of your salvation. Live in the peace I provide. You have been set free from the cares of this world. Rejoice in your freedom. Rejoice in Me.