Category Archives: Karen’s Blog

Always on My mind

My child, you are always on My mind. My thoughts towards you are good and pleasant. I love you with everlasting love. When you feel lost, lonely or shame, know that those thoughts are not from Me. Your enemy, the devil seeks to kill, steal and destroy. But I came to bring life, abundant life, joy and peace. Choose to live in My presence and do not buy into the enemies lies.

You are sealed

My child, you are sealed, delivered, redeemed, and set free. Rejoice and be glad in Me. The joy of the Lord is your strength. Be strong, courageous, bold, and fearless. Love the Lord your God with everything you’ve got, and love others as yourself. Pray, pursue Me and rest in My peace. I am in control of this world you live in. Depend on the Holy Spirit’s power to accomplish everything through you and walk in My love, faith, peace, and joy. Be patient, kind, gentle, long-suffering, and have self-control. Against such things, there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23

New Creature

I am a new creature in Christ, directed by the Holy Spirit, to do the will of the Father. Most times, His will won’t be revealed to us until we step out in faith and obedience moment by moment. Our flesh wants to have it all figured out in advance, but God requires faith. 

Day 1, Week 2 There is a River, A Seven Week Guide for Deepening your Walk with God, by Dan Lemburg

Now is the time

Now is the time. Today is the day of salvation. Lift up your eyes and see your day of deliverance. For I rescued you from the domain of darkness and transferred you to the kingdom of My beloved Son in whom you have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. Colossians 1:13

My All

My child, I have given you My Holy Spirit. I have given you My all. Give Me your all. Release everything into My hands. I have so much more I want to give you, but you must release what you tightly hold onto. Trust Me and let go. Surrender all into My loving hands and rest in My Presence. 

Stand Firm

You live in a fallen world where good is called evil is called good. Recognize the signs of the times and know that I am right at the door. Stand firm. Do not waiver in your faith. Those who endure to the end will be saved. Isaiah 5:20 Matthew 10:22 

Fully Yours

My heart is Yours O God. Show me your glory. My life is Yours, Father. Lead me into Your plan. My soul is Yours Lord Jesus. Fill me with Your joy. My will is Yours Holy Spirit. Do with me what You desire. I am fully Yours and You are fully mine. 



Prayer is not a shopping list and God is not Santa Claus. Life is meant to be lived in a deep and intimate relationship with our Creator. How would you interact with the most important person in your life? Would you do all of the talking, or would you take time to listen and get to know them? Do more listening in prayer than talking and hear what God has to say. 


Noise. The world is full of noise. Distractions – Desires – Dreams. Some good. Some not so good. Come away with Me. Get quiet before Me. I will lead you into the greater plan. My plan for you is perfect. But you must get to a quiet place to hear My voice.