My delight is in you. You are My desire. Come away My beloved. Come and commune with Me. Intimacy with you is what I desire.
Category Archives: Karen’s Blog
My All
My child, I have given you My Holy Spirit. I have given you My all. Give Me your all. Release everything into My hands. I have so much more I want to give you, but you must release what you tightly hold onto. Trust Me and let go. Surrender all into My loving hands and rest in My Presence.
Stand Firm
You live in a fallen world where good is called evil is called good. Recognize the signs of the times and know that I am right at the door. Stand firm. Do not waiver in your faith. Those who endure to the end will be saved. Isaiah 5:20 Matthew 10:22
Fully Yours
My heart is Yours O God. Show me your glory. My life is Yours, Father. Lead me into Your plan. My soul is Yours Lord Jesus. Fill me with Your joy. My will is Yours Holy Spirit. Do with me what You desire. I am fully Yours and You are fully mine.
Prayer is not a shopping list and God is not Santa Claus. Life is meant to be lived in a deep and intimate relationship with our Creator. How would you interact with the most important person in your life? Would you do all of the talking, or would you take time to listen and get to know them? Do more listening in prayer than talking and hear what God has to say.
Noise. The world is full of noise. Distractions – Desires – Dreams. Some good. Some not so good. Come away with Me. Get quiet before Me. I will lead you into the greater plan. My plan for you is perfect. But you must get to a quiet place to hear My voice.
Beginning of Birthpains
My child, these are the beginning of the birthpains I spoke about. You will see them increasing, you will know the time is near. My timing is perfect, and My Word is true. Take heed to the things written in My Word. You are watching them play out right before your eyes. There is no reason to fear. I win this battle.
A Higher Purpose
My child, don’t lose heart and don’t lose sight of who you are in Christ. I have called you to a higher purpose. When you think you can’t, I can. When you are weak, I am strong. Don’t depend on your own strength. I will supply everything you need according to My riches in glory.
The Secret Place
My child, come to the secret place. Come and spend time with Me. I have much to share with you, but I must have your full attention. Put away all the distractions and sit in My presence. Seek Me first and all the other stuff will fall into place.
Lord, help me not to be pre-occupied. Help my mind to be stayed on You and use me for Your glory today.