About Karen Lemburg

Karen LemburgThe Lord got hold of my life when I was in my early 20’s. That’s when I really began to pursue Him. Before then I had been making one bad decision after another. I am forever grateful to Jesus for pulling me out of the kingdom of darkness and into the Kingdom of His beloved Son. If not for Him, I would be just one more statistic: a lost and hopeless human in search of fulfillment and significance in all the wrong places.

I am a wife, mother and grandmother. I am not a teacher, but have facilitated several ladies Bible studies and been involved in leadership at our local church. My spiritual gifting seems mainly to be in the realm of the prophetic.

For the past several years I have been pursuing a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus. One morning during my prayer time I realized that I was doing most of the talking and very little listening. It occurred to me that maybe God has more to say than I had been giving Him credit for. After all, He DOES know everything! So I told Him that I was going to shut up and start listening.

When I take the time to listen, He actually speaks to me. And I have begun writing down what He reveals in a journal. When I sense God’s prompting, I send them out to everyone on my email list. You can receive them by subscribing to “A Personal Word from the Father’s Heart.” I hope they bless and comfort you as much as they do me.

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Communing with God

Communing with God

Communing with God: To lead believers into a lifestyle of communing with God for the purpose of buil

2 days ago

Communing with God
"You meant evil against me, But God." Genesis 50:20"We were by nature children of wrath, But God." Ephesians 2:4"My flesh and my heart may fail, But God." Psalm 73:26Get the picture? 😇🙌🤗🤲💜✝️🕊 ... See MoreSee Less
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3 days ago

Communing with God
"For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I Myself will raise him up on the last day."John 6:40 ... See MoreSee Less
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4 days ago

Communing with God
It’s a bit presumptuous to think that we could be transformed into the image of Christ merely by our own efforts. None of us believe this, of course, but we sure act like it! Under the guise of gathering knowledge and seeking wisdom, we are convinced that we can grow into what God intended. Not so! While attaining wisdom and knowledge is crucial to our growth, it’s not the key element. The Apostle Paul prays that we will be “…strengthened with power through the Spirit in the inner man (Ephesians 3:16).” True transformation lies with God alone. Our chief responsibility is to open ourselves up to His shaping hand, while screening the windows of our heart to keep out the flies. Sounds easy enough, but in reality the cutting away of our self-life can be very painful. It’s the finished product we’re after—the life of God within. Try laying yourself open to Jesus each day. You won’t be sorry. ... See MoreSee Less
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5 days ago

Communing with God
"Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgements and unfathomable His ways!" Romans 11:33 ... See MoreSee Less
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6 days ago

Communing with God
I breathe life into souls who turn to Me. I restore what was lost. I gave My life so that you might be rescued from death. I am knocking. I am calling. I am offering. You only need to respond and receive. ... See MoreSee Less
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