About Karen Lemburg

Karen LemburgThe Lord got hold of my life when I was in my early 20’s. That’s when I really began to pursue Him. Before then I had been making one bad decision after another. I am forever grateful to Jesus for pulling me out of the kingdom of darkness and into the Kingdom of His beloved Son. If not for Him, I would be just one more statistic: a lost and hopeless human in search of fulfillment and significance in all the wrong places.

I am a wife, mother and grandmother. I am not a teacher, but have facilitated several ladies Bible studies and been involved in leadership at our local church. My spiritual gifting seems mainly to be in the realm of the prophetic.

For the past several years I have been pursuing a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus. One morning during my prayer time I realized that I was doing most of the talking and very little listening. It occurred to me that maybe God has more to say than I had been giving Him credit for. After all, He DOES know everything! So I told Him that I was going to shut up and start listening.

When I take the time to listen, He actually speaks to me. And I have begun writing down what He reveals in a journal. When I sense God’s prompting, I send them out to everyone on my email list. You can receive them by subscribing to “A Personal Word from the Father’s Heart.” I hope they bless and comfort you as much as they do me.

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Communing with God

Communing with God

Communing with God: To lead believers into a lifestyle of communing with God for the purpose of buil

6 days ago

Communing with God
Insecurity often results from feeling like we’ve been put on the shelf and forgotten by God. But the fact is that sometimes He needs to do just that! Regardless, it can be really painful, because it feels like we’ve somehow been overlooked. These times come in the life of every Christian. It’s merely God’s way of reducing us to a state of total dependence, so that He can use us in some greater way later. The Lord tells us not to be anxious in these moments. Rather we must let the peace of God rule in our heart, always being thankful. Gratefulness is the tonic that helps ward off any anxiety or depression which might result from our circumstances, whether those feelings stem from being shelved or otherwise. It’s important to be thankful, because only then can God give us the peace needed to wait patiently for His direction.From - Free from the Power of Sin: the Keys to Growing in God in Spite of Yourself ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Communing with God
How could God use me? How can He possibly use somebody with so many weaknesses? God doesn’t look at it like that. He has a place for us, and has gifted each of us accordingly. So bloom where you’re planted, no matter who you are or what insecurities you may have. Even a guy like Paul had his problems. It appears that somewhere along the line God needed to reduce him to a point of utter helplessness. Why would He do that? Because in order to be effective, Paul had to be a vessel capable of radiating God’s power. Since it’s impossible for God to work through a prideful vessel, human weakness seems to be necessary. Apparently God wants us in a state of total dependence on Him, rather than on our own abilities. Jesus puts it this way: “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” (2 Cor 12:9) ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Communing with God
How could God use me? How can He possibly use somebody with so many weaknesses? God doesn’t look at it like that. He has a place for us, and has gifted each of us accordingly. So bloom where you’re planted, no matter who you are or what insecurities you may have. Even a guy like Paul had his problems. It appears that somewhere along the line God needed to reduce him to a point of utter helplessness. Why would He do that? Because in order to be effective, Paul had to be a vessel capable of radiating God’s power. Since it’s impossible for God to work through a prideful vessel, human weakness seems to be necessary. Apparently God wants us in a state of total dependence on Him, rather than on our own abilities. Jesus puts it this way: “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” (2 Cor 12:9) ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Communing with God
How could God use me? How can He possibly use somebody with so many weaknesses? God doesn’t look at it like that. He has a place for us, and has gifted each of us accordingly. So bloom where you’re planted, no matter who you are or what insecurities you may have. Even a guy like Paul had his problems. It appears that somewhere along the line God needed to reduce him to a point of utter helplessness. Why would He do that? Because in order to be effective, Paul had to be a vessel capable of radiating God’s power. Since it’s impossible for God to work through a prideful vessel, human weakness seems to be necessary. Apparently God wants us in a state of total dependence on Him, rather than on our own abilities. Jesus puts it this way: “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” (2 Cor 12:9) ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Communing with God
Think about what a woman values most. The husband often believes it’s what he gives her: his time, gifts, treating her with love and respect, and providing for the family. But none of that matters much if she feels that he does not desire emotional intimacy with her. First on her list is sensing that he wants to be with her. She needs to know that he wants her above all else. If she feels like he’s merely trying to fulfill some sort of obligation, she won’t respond like she would if his motivation was desire for her alone. So it is with God. Like many husbands, we busy ourselves with lots of things in our attempt to please God. But are those things really all that valuable if our motivation stems from an attempt to satisfy some requirement, rather than from a sincere desire for intimacy with Him?From - Free from the Power of Sin: the Keys to Growing in God in Spite of Yourself ... See MoreSee Less
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