Author Archives: Karen Lemburg

About Karen Lemburg

Hi I'm Karen, wife, mother and grandmother. I am on the journey of a more intimate relationship with God. I'm blessed to married to a wonderful husband who is also in pursuit of intimacy with our Lord. We work together in real estate and ministry. We have four children, seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Always on My mind

My child, you are always on My mind. My thoughts towards you are good and pleasant. I love you with everlasting love. When you feel lost, lonely or shame, know that those thoughts are not from Me. Your enemy, the devil seeks to kill, steal and destroy. But I came to bring life, abundant life, joy and peace. Choose to live in My presence and do not buy into the enemies lies.

Finally Fed Up with Failure

Can we bear fruit without being personally transformed? Yes, if we’re willing to settle for a skimpy crop. But we won’t be successful in producing what Jesus wants—“much fruit.” God wants to see us radically changed. And since we know we can’t transform ourselves, He must have a method to bring it about. God has His part in the process, and we’ve got ours.

If transformation is ever to happen, we must cooperate with God as He goes about working in our life. For us, it’s all about choice! But we often have to come to the end of ourselves—finally fed up with failure—before we are able to make that commitment. You may be at that point in your life right now! If so, unconditionally give yourself over to God, and then take action by walking in obedience. Remember, this is a choice we make day by day.

Immersing Yourself in God

A fruitful relationship with Jesus can never be built only by attempting to obey God. Though obedience certainly has its place, relationship based on it alone will never succeed. Genuine fruitfulness can be achieved only one way: immersing ourselves in the very life of His Spirit—communing with God. Jesus wants us to “abide in Him.”

But how do we do this? First and foremost, personal time spent with God is indispensable. On a human level, have you ever heard of a strong relationship being built without the investment of time spent together? Genuine friendship is impossible without such a commitment. Just like in any human relationship, our bond with God depends on personal interaction. And it needs to be a two-way street—not only speaking to God, but also listening with the expectation that He intends to speak back. It often happens as we meditate in Scripture.

Having Become Acceptable to God

Is holiness something we are in Christ or something we need to become? Though a foundation of holiness has been laid in us by virtue of the fact that we now are God’s possession, Scripture makes it clear that something is still missing. Time and again we are exhorted to live a holy life. And that means that the sins of the flesh must be forsaken.

There’s no question that living a holy life is expected. And if expected, it must be attainable (not the impossibility of being sin-free, but definitely that of being self-controlled). It’s the whole point of living a godly life. Attempting to please God by walking out our faith in a manner worthy of Him is not easy. It’s takes effort. But we need to remember that God has accepted us. Pleasing God is a whole lot different from trying to become acceptable to Him.

You are sealed

My child, you are sealed, delivered, redeemed, and set free. Rejoice and be glad in Me. The joy of the Lord is your strength. Be strong, courageous, bold, and fearless. Love the Lord your God with everything you’ve got, and love others as yourself. Pray, pursue Me and rest in My peace. I am in control of this world you live in. Depend on the Holy Spirit’s power to accomplish everything through you and walk in My love, faith, peace, and joy. Be patient, kind, gentle, long-suffering, and have self-control. Against such things, there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23

New Creature

I am a new creature in Christ, directed by the Holy Spirit, to do the will of the Father. Most times, His will won’t be revealed to us until we step out in faith and obedience moment by moment. Our flesh wants to have it all figured out in advance, but God requires faith. 

Day 1, Week 2 There is a River, A Seven Week Guide for Deepening your Walk with God, by Dan Lemburg

Now is the time

Now is the time. Today is the day of salvation. Lift up your eyes and see your day of deliverance. For I rescued you from the domain of darkness and transferred you to the kingdom of My beloved Son in whom you have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. Colossians 1:13

My All

My child, I have given you My Holy Spirit. I have given you My all. Give Me your all. Release everything into My hands. I have so much more I want to give you, but you must release what you tightly hold onto. Trust Me and let go. Surrender all into My loving hands and rest in My Presence. 

Stand Firm

You live in a fallen world where good is called evil is called good. Recognize the signs of the times and know that I am right at the door. Stand firm. Do not waiver in your faith. Those who endure to the end will be saved. Isaiah 5:20 Matthew 10:22