Tag Archives: worship

Worship from your heart

My child, I desire worship, not just from your lips, but from your heart. I will change your heart if you give it to Me. I will come in and inhabit you and live through you. This is the work of the Holy Spirit. This is My desire for you so that you will bear much fruit. I will never force My will on you, but you will sense My gentle nudging. Yield to me immediately when you sense that nudge. Do not hesitate or hold back. For I desire a yielded vessel that I can pour My Spirit into. I will fill you up to overflowing. This is My joy. This is how you will please Me in worship. this is how you will bear much fruit.

Powerful Weapons

My child, praise and worship are powerful weapons. I have given you these weapons to use in the battle you are in. When you praise Me the enemy has no power in your life. When you worship Me, he has to flee. Just as I instructed the tribe of Israel to praise Me in battle, I am instructing you to do the same. Shout, praise, rejoice, worship, give thanks to the One who goes before you and defeats your enemy. You have the victory when you use the weapons I have provided for you. You will lose the battle if you complain, murmur, doubt and sink into self pity. Do not fear. Do not believe the lies of the enemy. Trust Me. Depend on Me and believe Me. You have the victory in Me. 

Created to Worship

I created you to worship. You’re going to worship something while you’re here on earth. You have the choice. You can either worship stuff, or people, or any other created thing, or you can choose to worship Me, the lover of your soul. Deep satisfaction and total fulfillment is the result of worshiping Me. 

Worship is Warfare

Worship is warfare. It defeats the enemy. Go out and do some damage to the kingdom of darkness today. Worship with everything you’ve got. I will defeat your enemy as you praise Me. I will reroute your foe as you give thanks. Lift up your voice. Cry aloud, sing, praise, shout for joy, for I am your Mighty Warrior. I am your defender. I go before you to make your path straight. Believe Me. Stand in the midst of your enemies and praise Me even when you don’t feel like it. I am your Warrior King who goes before you and defeats your enemy.

Keep your mind focused

My child, let your soul sing praise to Me and do not be silent. Give thanks to Me forever. For I have turned your mourning into dancing and I have loosed your sackcloth and I have girded you with gladness. Rejoice and be glad today. Praise and worship Me today. Keep your mind focused on Me continually throughout the day. I will direct your steps.

Psalm 30: 11&12  Proverbs 3:6

Fulfilling Our Purpose

God’s presence within our spiritual being is the basis not only for communion with Him, but is also the foundation for ultimately fulfilling the purpose for which we were created in at least three significant ways:

First, only those who are alive in their spirit are capable of worshiping God in the way He desires.(1 Corinthians 2:10 & 12)   

Second, only those spiritually alive can receive the impartation of God’s truth. For only through our spirit can we gain knowledge of the truth that He otherwise leaves shrouded in mystery.(Romans 12:4-8, 1 Corinthians12:7-11, Ephesians 4:11)

Third, God reaches through His children to draw a hurting and dying world to Himself. We actually become His hands and feet as He manifests Himself to the lost around us. And our job here on earth encompasses not only reaching the lost, but also being used to build up Christ’s body, the Church. But in no way are we capable of handling this job in our own strength. We can do it only by the gifts and ministries He gives to each one of us individually.(Romans 5:12) Our spirit is the port of entry, the staging area, and the jumping-off place of these gifts.

Excerpted from: Free from the Power of Sin: The Keys to Growing in God in Spite of Yourself


I will give you rest

My child, let today be a day of rejoicing. Shout joyfully to the rock of your salvation. Come before Me with thanksgiving, for I am God and King above all gods. In My hand are the depths of the earth and the peaks of the mountains are Mine. I made everything and everything is in My hands. Come and worship. Come and hear My voice. Do not let your heart be hardened. Come and I will restore you. I will give you rest.

Psalm 95

Flee From Idolatry

My child, have no other gods before Me. Worship Me alone. Tear down every form of idolatry that tries to take My place. I will not compete with or tolerate false gods. Don’t even toy with them. Tear them down before they become permanent fixtures in your mind. I hate idolatry and every form of false god. Lay them down. Remove them far from you. They have no place in your heart, mind or soul. Worship Me alone. I am your all and all.

Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry. 1 Cor. 10:14