My child, praise and worship are powerful weapons. I have given you these weapons to use in the battle you are in. When you praise Me the enemy has no power in your life. When you worship Me, he has to flee. Just as I instructed the tribe of Israel to praise Me in battle, I am instructing you to do the same. Shout, praise, rejoice, worship, give thanks to the One who goes before you and defeats your enemy. You have the victory when you use the weapons I have provided for you. You will lose the battle if you complain, murmur, doubt and sink into self pity. Do not fear. Do not believe the lies of the enemy. Trust Me. Depend on Me and believe Me. You have the victory in Me.
Tag Archives: victory
My child, you are Royalty. You have My blood, that was poured out on the cross, flowing through you. You are from a Kingly lineage and your inheritance is secure in Me. I chose you Beloved. This world is not your home. Eternity is what your heart longs for and you are an overcomer. I have the victory over everything that comes against you and I will provide what you need to live this life I have called you to. Live a victorious life here on earth. Walk by faith and believe. Your reward is with Me. Take heart and do not let fear rule over you.
I Will Fight For You
My child, I will fight for you. Wait for Me for I am your help and your shield. This battle is Mine and I will have the victory. Cease striving and know that I am God.
Nehemiah 4:20 Psalm 33;20 46:10
My child, breakthrough is coming and it’s coming through you. Keep praying and believing. You will see My Mighty Hand move. You will see complete victory. Don’t give up and don’t doubt. I am moving and you will see victory.
The Victory Is Mine
My child, I the Lord your God am in your midst, a Victorious Warrior. I will exult over you with joy, I will be quiet in My love. I will rejoice over you with shouts of joy. Do not be afraid or shrink back. The victory is Mine and you have no need to fear. Believe Me and believe My Word. Keep pressing forward. Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord.
Zephaniah 3:17 Zechariah 4:6
My child, you have victory in Me. Claim that victory and walk in My authority. Life with expectancy, hope and faith. Do not let doubt and unbelief rule your thoughts. I am God. Believe Me.
Hold On To Truth
My child, you are here on earth for a brief moment of time. Make the most of each day. See what I am doing in the moment. Be kind, be just and humbly walk with Me. Learn to cherish the little things. Too often you look for the grand when I am working in the small. I love people and My desire is that none should perish. Hold on to what you have heard Me tell you. Hold on to truth. My Word is your compass and will be your guide. Many come to deceive. Don’t believe their lies. Press on in the power of My Holy Spirit. I lead your way to victory.
Micah 6:8 2 Peter 3:9
Ultimate Victory
Failure to resist sin opened up some pretty significant questions for me: why would God give me instant relief from some sins while allowing others to remain? Why not just give me victory over all my fleshly weaknesses so I wouldn’t have any problem in wholeheartedly living for Him?
The answer is choice. Our confrontation with sin in the weakness of our flesh—not the least besetting sin—continually presents us with choices to make. It’s fundamental to God’s plan for us. He has set things up in such a way that, while there is certainly an immediate and absolute aspect of our redemption now, the final redemption our body is a future event.(Romans 8:23) So, even though we have His Spirit as a guarantee, we still have a rocky road to travel. And our choices along this difficult road tell the tale of our faith, or its lack thereof.
God has a solution to besetting sin. So we must never attempt to justify sin in our life—no matter how or when it might crop up. Sometimes we try to blame besetting sin on some sort of character flaw. But that’s not the real issue. Sure it’s a character flaw! But not in the way psychologists might define it—not as something we simply, by virtue of our nature, are never able to overcome.
Each and every one of us who comes to Christ has a deficiency in our character. And though it may take years to work through the difficulties resulting from such weakness, it’s important to understand that God never meant besetting sin to be a lifelong problem.
Crisis into Victory
My child, shout for joy today for I am able to turn crisis into victory. I am able to make what you thought was failure into success. Look to Me alone for your peace. Feast on My word and all the promises I have for you. Do not look to the world for fulfillment. The world will not satisfy. Only I hold the key to your fulfillment. Only I satisfy the longing in your heart.
My Word
My child, I am your hiding place and your shield. Wait for My word. I sustain you according to My word, that you may live. Speak My word over your life and the lives of your loved ones. Believe My promises and claim victory over the enemy. I am your Rock. I am your Provider. I am your Peace. Rejoice and be glad today for My word is true and My way is life.
Psalm 119:114-116