My child, praise and worship are powerful weapons. I have given you these weapons to use in the battle you are in. When you praise Me the enemy has no power in your life. When you worship Me, he has to flee. Just as I instructed the tribe of Israel to praise Me in battle, I am instructing you to do the same. Shout, praise, rejoice, worship, give thanks to the One who goes before you and defeats your enemy. You have the victory when you use the weapons I have provided for you. You will lose the battle if you complain, murmur, doubt and sink into self pity. Do not fear. Do not believe the lies of the enemy. Trust Me. Depend on Me and believe Me. You have the victory in Me.
Tag Archives: battle
I Win This Battle
My child, those that are fighting the hardest are the ones that need Me the most. Look beyond the flesh and see the real battle that is raging. Know that I win this battle. You just need to reach out in love. Let My love through you be the focal point of your life.
Ephesians 6:12
Number One
My child, have I not told you that I would be with you? Why do you doubt? I have gone before you to make your path straight. Glorify Me in all you do. Let My Name be known and I will fight your battle. Keep Me as your focus and do not let anything or anyone come between you and Me. I am your Number One. I am a jealous God.
Peace ~ Joy ~ Strength
My child, turn from your own way of doing things and rest in Me. I give you peace in the midst of turmoil. I bring you joy in the battle. Choose Me and My way for your life, and you’ll live in peace, joy and My strength.
Cease Striving
My child, I am in the midst of you. You will not be moved. I will help you when the morning dawns. Cease striving and know that I am God. Keep your eyes open and watch what I am doing. I make your way straight. I bring you out of darkness and into the Light. Look to Me. Worship Me. Glorify Me. I am victorious and I win this battle.
Psalm 46:5 & 10
The Battle Is Not Yours
My child, do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but Mine. You need not fight in this battle. Station yourself, stand and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf. Watch and see My mighty right hand going before you, covering you and delivering you. Continue to sing, praise and believe Me.
2 Chronicles 20:15&17
Get Equipped First
My child, I will teach you and give you understanding. I will sustain you and uphold you. All My commandments are righteousness, they will delight your soul. Wait in My presence and meditate on My Word. You will have all My Power when you need it. First get equipped, then go fight the battle.
Psalm 119: vs:33&34 vs: 116 vs: 172&174
Our “Flesh”
While Scripture often uses the term flesh to describe the physical body, it is also used to portray that part of our nature which encompasses body, mind and soul. This definition of flesh is epitomized in Jesus’ warning to His disciples, “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.”(Matthew 26:41). Here flesh is used to describe that part of our nature which stands in contrast to our spiritual nature. It is the carnal nature of man, the seat of sinful passions and affections.
Our flesh, then, is that part of our nature which is able to live and function freely without any submission to God—although it’s obvious that it can exist only as His sustaining power allows it. And it’s very important to understand that the flesh follows us into our new life in God. It continues to have a life of its own even as our spirit is reborn and brought alive. As a result, we find ourselves constantly embroiled in a battle with the desires of our flesh as we seek to fulfill the desire of the Spirit.(Galatians 5:17 “For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another…”)
The Bible also uses another term for the flesh: the natural man. The term natural man is synonymous with the flesh—but only the flesh as it pertains to the unregenerate man. Once we have received Christ and become a child of God, though still saddled with the flesh, we are no longer a natural man but a spiritual one.(1 Corinthians 2:14-16 “But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.15But he who is spiritual appraises all things, yet he himself is appraised by no one.16For who has known the mind of the Lord, that he will instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ.”)
Excerpted from: Free from the Power of Sin: The Keys to Growing in God in Spite of Yourself
Be Willing
My child, the day is coming when you won’t have to battle this world, your flesh or the devil. You will be with Me in My Kingdom for eternity. But for this time, I have you here for My purposes. I have placed you where you are to be My instrument to bring about My will on the earth. I have much to accomplish. Be willing and ready to work, give, love and serve. Much is to be done, but few are willing. Be willing to do whatever I ask of you. Be willing to say yes to Me. Be willing to give up your selfish desires and obey Me wholeheartedly. Watch what I will do when your heart, mind and soul are completely Mine.