Tag Archives: give

My Greatest Gift

My child, My lovingkindness is everlasting and My great goodness is toward you. I have compassion, mercy and love for you. I have given you the greatest gift, My Son, who takes away the sin of the world. Don’t  neglect this great gift. Receive and enjoy Jesus, the Lover of your soul, but don’t be stingy or hoard Him. Give Him away to others. The more you share Him with others, the more you will experience Him.

Your Father, the giver of life.

Isaiah 63:7        John 1:29

Universal Principles

Put God first and everything else will fall into place.

Love God with your whole heart and your heart will be fulfilled, complete and satisfied.

Give abundantly and God will give to you abundantly.

Forgive and you will be forgiven.

Go after God’s plan for your life and God will give you the desires of your heart.

Be last, then you will be first.

Honor your parents and live a long life.

Be frugal and wise and God will give you more.

Whatever God gives you to do, do it as unto Him. He will reward you

Don’t be touchy or get offended easily. Rather love and serve your enemies and those who offend or persecute you. God will deal with them.

Eat less and exercise more. Your body will serve you well.

To have a happy good life, choose to be happy and have a good attitude, no matter what you’re going through. The choice is up to you.

Choose love over hate.

Choose life over death.

Choose to believe and not doubt.

Give – Pray – Fast

My child, ask, and it will be given to you, seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Matt. 7: 7&8.

On the other hand, give what I’m telling you to give, pray when I tell you to pray and fast when I tell you to fast. When I tell you to give something, the anointing for you to have it is no longer on it. It’s no longer yours and you won’t be able to enjoy it. When I ask you to pray, it’s because I want you to enter into the blessing of being a part of something greater than you yourself can accomplish. When I ask you to fast, I have major work to do. It can only be done through fasting and setting aside your entire being for a specific period of time. I’m tearing down strongholds and breaking bondages in you and others. You will be changed through fasting. I will give you the strength you need to give, pray and fast. Trust Me.

Be Willing

My child, the day is coming when you won’t have to battle this world, your flesh or the devil. You will be with Me in My Kingdom for eternity. But for this time, I have you here for My purposes. I have placed you where you are to be My instrument to bring about My will on the earth. I have much to accomplish. Be willing and ready to work, give, love and serve. Much is to be done, but few are willing. Be willing to do whatever I ask of you. Be willing to say yes to Me. Be willing to give up your selfish desires and obey Me wholeheartedly. Watch what I will do when your heart, mind and soul are completely Mine.