My desire is for you to live in freedom. I desire that you be released from the bondage of chains that the enemy has had around you. You cannot walk in complete freedom until you confess and repent of that hold Satan still has on you. You know what you have been struggling with. You know that thing that eats at you. Confess it to Me and lay it at the foot of My Cross. I long to deliver you from it. That is all I am asking you to do. Confess and repent. I will do the delivering. Psalm 62:8
Tag Archives: bondage
No More Bondage!
Having died to sin, we are no longer subject to the bondage of sin that formerly enslaved us. Therefore, we are not to give ourselves back over to it once again.
When we commit our life to the lordship of Jesus Christ, we are automatically freed from sin’s domination, and instead become slaves of righteousness. This means that, as long as we continue to present ourselves to God through obedience to Him as the practice of our life, our natural inclination will be to serve God in the righteousness He has provided.
In other words, we now have a predisposition to righteousness as opposed to the penchant for sin of our former life.(Romans 6:17-18) This pretty much strips us of any excuse not to pursue God because of fleshly weakness, doesn’t it?
Choose Life
My child, for by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved. It was for freedom that I set you free, therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. Live in My peace. Walk in the freedom I have provided for you and have called you to. Don’t remain in the bondage of sin. Choose life!
2 Peter 2:19 Galatians 5:1
The Great Commission
My child, I have a passion for the lost. My heart breaks for those who have not bowed their knee or confessed with their mouth that Jesus is Lord. I long for them to be delivered from the bondage of the evil one. Share My good news with them. Proclaim My Name to this lost and hurting world. I am the only way to salvation. I am the only hope they have. Go out and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 28:19
Watch out for Satan!
Our difficulty in choosing God over self is complicated all the more by the presence of a powerful adversary. When God banished Satan from heaven, He sent him here. Have you ever asked yourself why God, who “knows our frame” and is “mindful that we are but dust,”(Psalm 103:14) would place us in a world controlled by Satan and his minions? Outside of God’s intervention, such a world leaves domination by Satan as the only reasonable prospect.
We don’t have a chance without God! Even with the power of God’s Spirit residing within, our ongoing struggle with self-will is greatly affected by the challenges Satan presents. So it’s critical that we understand Satan’s role in bringing about the domination of sin over people’s lives.
The enemy presents sin as good and pleasurable—concealing the bondage, fear and unhappiness it always brings. By its very nature, sin stirs up hope in the human heart. It’s a lot like the hope inspired by the promises Hitler made, which ultimately led to the loss of some fifty million lives in World War II. The Nazis offered the German people prosperity and future peace in return for allegiance to Hitler and his cause. But all along their hidden agenda was complete domination, not only of the world but of their lives as well. The destruction their collaboration ultimately caused is a graphic reminder of the consequences sin always brings in the end.
Excerpted from: Free from the Power of Sin: The Keys to Growing in God in Spite of Yourself
A Free Gift
My child, redemption is a free gift to all who believe. I am drawing all people to Myself. Your job is to love them and tell them about Me. The gospel, (Good News) is the reality of redemption in Me, the Lord Jesus Christ. Share this good news. Let this be a priority in your life. So many people are in bondage, but I came to set the captives free.
Give – Pray – Fast
My child, ask, and it will be given to you, seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Matt. 7: 7&8.
On the other hand, give what I’m telling you to give, pray when I tell you to pray and fast when I tell you to fast. When I tell you to give something, the anointing for you to have it is no longer on it. It’s no longer yours and you won’t be able to enjoy it. When I ask you to pray, it’s because I want you to enter into the blessing of being a part of something greater than you yourself can accomplish. When I ask you to fast, I have major work to do. It can only be done through fasting and setting aside your entire being for a specific period of time. I’m tearing down strongholds and breaking bondages in you and others. You will be changed through fasting. I will give you the strength you need to give, pray and fast. Trust Me.