My child, there will always be times when you fall short. There will also be times when you are less than perfect. No human is perfect. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Repent and confess and get on with following Me. Do not let the enemy continue to condemn what I have already forgiven. I know every one of your deeds before you do them. I know every word before you speak it. I have come to set you free from the power of sin. I have already paid the penalty for your sins. Quit beating yourself up over sin. Repent and confess and continue on the path I have before you. I am not asking for perfection. I desire obedience.
Tag Archives: repent
Complete Freedom
My desire is for you to live in freedom. I desire that you be released from the bondage of chains that the enemy has had around you. You cannot walk in complete freedom until you confess and repent of that hold Satan still has on you. You know what you have been struggling with. You know that thing that eats at you. Confess it to Me and lay it at the foot of My Cross. I long to deliver you from it. That is all I am asking you to do. Confess and repent. I will do the delivering. Psalm 62:8
Now Is The Time
My child, I am calling you. I will give you one heart, and put a new spirit within you. And I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh, that you may walk in My statutes and keep My ordinances and do them. Then you will be My people and I shall be your God. Now is the time to repent, believe and enter the Kingdom of your God. Today is the day of your salvation. Delay no longer and be saved.
Ezekiel 11:19-20
Come Clean
My child, coming clean and repenting of every hidden sin is so freeing. I’m not here to condemn you, but to free you. Don’t let sin ruin our life. Live in the fullness of freedom I have for you. Let your life be lived without jealousy or selfish ambition, but with gentleness, understanding and love. My peace will fill you as you open yourself up to Me completely.
James 3:16-18