Tag Archives: devil


Paul prefaces his message of being “transformed by the renewing of your mind” by first exhorting believers to “not be conformed to this world.” So resisting the devil and fleeing from temptation is a critical first step forward, no matter how many times we might fail in it.(James 4:7)

Admittedly this isn’t an easy thing to do, but one clear-cut benefit of failure is that disgust over it helps prod us toward the goal. And although we’ll probably never be perfect in resisting sin, we can’t let that keep us from trying. God is here to help, and things will get better each time we make the right choice.(1 Corinthians 10:13)

We must never allow sin to become an excuse for retreating from our pursuit of God. Let your sin drive you to God rather than away from Him. Believe me, He knows and understands you. And He’s more than willing to work with a repentant heart.(Psalm 103:12-14)

The devil does his best to deceive us into believing that we can’t come back to God until we’ve cleaned up our act. But we need to remember that the cross has stripped Satan of any actual power over our life.(Colossians 2:15) Ultimately, the devil only has the influence we allow him to have. He has no power to keep us from God, and we must never allow him to fool us into thinking that our sin somehow puts up a barrier between Him and us.

Satan & the World System

Knowing what we now do about the motivating forces of pride, self-will and self-interest, it’s not hard to see how Satan can easily manipulate our weaknesses to his advantage. He does this mainly by influencing people through the world system, which he has established with the help of man. What is this world system? It is a structuring of society—politics, the economy, arts and entertainment, education—in such a way as to provide an alternative to mankind’s innate God-created spiritual need.

Even if the devil were never involved, society would need to function in such a way that people could cooperate in an interactive system of some sort. So we shouldn’t think that participating in the world’s social order is somehow disgraceful in God’s eyes. Otherwise, we would have to retreat from society altogether. That doesn’t seem very practical, nor is it the real issue. Rather, where we place our hope is what’s truly important: do we try to find fulfillment mainly in what the world has to offer, or is our hope rooted in Christ and His kingdom?

It’s extremely helpful, though, to understand how Satan has tweaked society for the purpose of serving his deviant objectives. Let’s think for a moment about how he uses the world system to enslave people through the power of sin. Take, for instance, the sin of greed. It’s not too hard to see how financial systems throughout the world have been structured in such a way as to bring about enslavement to greed. Or how about our sexuality? Can you see how what is deceptively called “adult” entertainment (pornography), or even something seemingly so innocuous as fashion works toward enslaving people under ever more serious sin? The media is awash with titillating images designed to ensnare us for the purpose of boosting their ratings. Another massive pitfall is man’s desire for power—born out of his inherent sense of pride. Political and corporate systems have been developed and routinely manipulated by Satan to entrap people in power’s insatiable grip. And the list goes on.

As a matter of course, man without God is drawn into these powerful systems. And there we also find those who have worked their way into positions of advantage (power), aiding and abetting the enslavement of their fellow men. Yet though the conflicts and challenges we experience in life may seem on the surface to be with people themselves, ultimately our struggle is against Satan himself as he goes about manipulating us through the world system he has developed and refined. We dare not forget what Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:12: “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” 

Manipulation by the Devil

The devil has found fertile ground in mankind because of the frailties of human nature. And with man’s help he has developed powerful tools of manipulation in his pursuit of destroying us. Let’s face it, he’s had plenty of time to figure us out. How does he go about this business of enslaving people? Well, just as God mainly works through people in all He does on this earth, Satan and his demons work through people in wreaking their havoc.

Further, it goes without saying that demons, being spiritual creatures, have direct access to man’s immaterial nature. They have no trouble taking advantage of a person’s dead spirit, since people naturally lay themselves open to attack when devoid of the life of God within.

Jesus talked about a man who got rid of an evil spirit only to have it, along with seven others, enter once again when it returned to find its house “unoccupied, swept, and put in order.”(Matthew 12:44) Many other passages in Scripture make it clear that demons are able to exert powerful influence over the heart, oppressing and sometimes even possessing people.

Watch out for Satan!

Our difficulty in choosing God over self is complicated all the more by the presence of a powerful adversary. When God banished Satan from heaven, He sent him here. Have you ever asked yourself why God, who “knows our frame” and is “mindful that we are but dust,(Psalm 103:14) would place us in a world controlled by Satan and his minions? Outside of God’s intervention, such a world leaves domination by Satan as the only reasonable prospect.

We don’t have a chance without God! Even with the power of God’s Spirit residing within, our ongoing struggle with self-will is greatly affected by the challenges Satan presents. So it’s critical that we understand Satan’s role in bringing about the domination of sin over people’s lives.

The enemy presents sin as good and pleasurable—concealing the bondage, fear and unhappiness it always brings. By its very nature, sin stirs up hope in the human heart. It’s a lot like the hope inspired by the promises Hitler made, which ultimately led to the loss of some fifty million lives in World War II. The Nazis offered the German people prosperity and future peace in return for allegiance to Hitler and his cause. But all along their hidden agenda was complete domination, not only of the world but of their lives as well. The destruction their collaboration ultimately caused is a graphic reminder of the consequences sin always brings in the end.

Excerpted from: Free from the Power of Sin: The Keys to Growing in God in Spite of Yourself




A commonly taught principle relevant to God’s purpose for man is that he is endowed with free will. It is said that man is a free moral agent, meaning he possesses unrestricted power in making moral choices.Indeed, how could God possibly have designed man devoid of the power of choice? He had to give him the ability to choose—not merely between right and wrong, but more importantly choice in regard to the lordship of God over his life.

Yet what appears on the surface to be the ability to choose freely, is in a very real sense something more than merely free will. 

Man’s rejection of God as Lord of his life does not in any way mean that he possesses the ability of free choice in regard to everything else. Rather, in refusing to accept God’s purpose and plan for his life, he inevitably opens himself up to control by some other outside force.  And this force is ultimately Satan. But the tool the devil uses to subjugate mankind is man’s will—a will inherently rooted in self-interest. So we should instead think of this self-serving attribute of man’s nature—what we commonly call free will—as self-will.

Excerpted from: Free from the Power of Sin: The Keys to Growing in God in Spite of Yourself

Be Willing

My child, the day is coming when you won’t have to battle this world, your flesh or the devil. You will be with Me in My Kingdom for eternity. But for this time, I have you here for My purposes. I have placed you where you are to be My instrument to bring about My will on the earth. I have much to accomplish. Be willing and ready to work, give, love and serve. Much is to be done, but few are willing. Be willing to do whatever I ask of you. Be willing to say yes to Me. Be willing to give up your selfish desires and obey Me wholeheartedly. Watch what I will do when your heart, mind and soul are completely Mine.