My child, My grace is sufficient. My love is enough. I am all you need. Don’t try to figure things out or find another way. Just trust Me. Believe Me and follow Me. I will live through you. I will love through you. I will accomplish My plan as you walk in obedience to Me. Rest in My love. Let My love pour through you and those around you will be affected. All you need to do is abide in Me and I will abide in you and you will bear much fruit in the process.
Tag Archives: rest
Beloved, I have provided rest for you, you only need to enter into it. It is available to all who will fix their minds on Me and not on the worries of the world. I am faithful. Do not be counted with those who do not believe Me and could not enter into my rest because of their unbelief. Have faith My child. Enter into the promise of rest, peace and joy that I have already provided for you. I am enough for you. Hebrews 4:11
My child, trust Me. Did I not tell you that I would do this by My hand and by My power? Rest in knowing that I’ve got this. Trust and believe. I will do what needs to be done in this situation.
I Declare A New Thing
Beloved, I will open blind eyes. The former things have passed, now I declare a new thing. You are My chosen one. You will know and believe Me and understand that there is no Savior besides Me. Lay down all your worries and concerns. Let Me take you under My wing. Rest in knowing that I am in control. Isaiah 42;9, 43:10-11, 18-19
Come To Me
My child, come to Me when you are weary and I will give you rest. Come to Me when you are overwhelmed and you will find peace. Come and give Me all of your burdens and concerns. You will find rest for your soul.
Matthew 11:28-39
Take Time
My child, take time today to know Me. Rest in My Presence and meditate on My Word. I have much to show you but you must listen. Don’t rush off. Let Me fill you with My joy, peace, love and kindness. For apart from Me you can do nothing, but with Me all things are possible.
John 15:5 Matthew 19:26
Rest In My Presence
My child, rest in My Presence today. Take one day to not stress or strive, but just rest. Not only your body needs this but also your mind. Come to Me and let Me refresh you. Give Me all of your cares and cast all of your burdens on Me. I will comfort you and bring you peace.
1 Peter 5:7
Rest Here
My child, quiet your soul and come near to Me. I long for you to be in My Presence. Turn off the distractions and learn from Me. Your soul will never be satisfied with anything else. I alone fill that place. I alone am all you need. Rest here a while. Be filled with My Holy Spirit. Then you will be able to live your life in peace.
My child, I have called you because I love you and desire you to be with Me. In Me alone you have perfect peace. Peace that surpasses understanding. Cast all your cares at the foot of My cross and come, enter into My rest. Today is a new day. Don’t let Satan beat you up over the past. The past is covered by My blood. Start fresh today. Walk in the Spirit today. Give Me today and I will make your path straight.
1 Peter 5:7 Galatians 5:16
My child, rest in My Presence. Come to Me for refreshing and recharging. You’ve been going one hundred miles per hour and are in need of a break. Take today off. Sit at My feet. Feel Me nourish your soul and delight your heart with the soothing power of My Holy Spirit. Rest not only your body but also your mind. Let Me wash over you as you bathe in My Presence,