God’s law helps to curb our behavior and provide direction, but its main purpose is to expose sin. Romans 7 says: “I would not have come to know sin except through the law.” Law can be thought of as a gauge of sorts, because it sets the standard of God’s righteousness against our own self-centered motivations and desires.
But what’s sad is that God’s law has been interpreted as a means by which a person might earn his own righteousness. From the very beginning God had something far different in mind; law was to be a guidepost to His gift of life.
Law was never intended to be a vehicle to bring us into right standing with God, because ultimately He wanted to freely impart His own righteousness—and thus His life—to man. Make no mistake: any attempt to earn our own righteousness merely results in pitting us head-on against God’s plan.
From Free from the Power of Sin: the Keys to Growing in God in Spite of Yourself
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- 2. Trouble with Saying No to Sin
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- 4. Thriving in a Sin-riddled World
- 5. Problems with My Heart
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