Tag Archives: impossible

Fruit’s Proof

What’s encouraging is the fact that somewhere along the line we come to a point where it’s virtually impossible to get mired once again in the pit of the old self. Why? Because our character has been permanently altered—who we are has changed. Once our character is transformed, we truly no longer are our former self.

Yes, we’ll continue to be confronted with the issues of our old nature (our old self). That’s why we must always be vigilant. But though we may slip, we won’t turn back! My guess is that those who throw in the towel have never experienced any meaningful degree of transformation in the first place.

The “fruit of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control”—firmly entrenched within provides bona fide proof that metamorphosis has taken hold.(Galatians 5:22-23).

It’s true that God can cause one or more of these virtues to sporadically spring forth according to the need of the moment, even before they become the rock-solid foundation of our character. But just stop and think what it must be like to enjoy the advantage of the fruit of the Spirit deeply-rooted and dominant in your life.(Galatians 5:24)


My child, soon you will see My glory manifested in what seems like impossible circumstance. Soon you will know and be amazed at how I work ALL things out for good. I am always at work. I never slumber or sleep. Even in the quiet times, rest assured I am working. I am near and I hear your prayers. Never think for a moment that I don’t hear you or that I don’t care. I ALWAYS hear and I care more than you can imagine. O taste and see that I am good. Come and take refuge in Me.

Psalm 34:8

Don’t Fear The Future

  • My child, don’t fear the future. Haven’t I always taken care of you? I will continue to care for all the things that concern you. Your job is to have faith and continue to believe Me even when you don’t see anything happening. Without faith it’s impossible to please Me. Keep believing My child, keep believing.

Psalm 18:19   Hebrews 11:6

Watch the impossible become possible

My child, My Spirit is within you to bring life to your body, soul and heart. My Spirit within you works to conform you to My image. You can’t do this life in your own strength. You can’t do all I’ve called you to do on your own. You can only do what I’ve called you to do in My power and by My Spirit. I have created you for Myself. My ways are so much higher than yours. Don’t put limitations on yourself by trying to do things in your own strength. With Me all things are possible. Surrender all to Me and watch the impossible become possible.

Romans 8:29  Isaiah 55:9   Luke 1:37

Infinite and Eternal

My child, I am infinite and eternal. I have always been and will forever be. Sing for joy because you serve a victorious King. Your hope is not in the material world, but in the Creator of the super-natural realm. I rule over all. I am in control of all. Never doubt My ability to step in and change impossible situations. Call upon Me and I will answer. I will be with you in trouble. I will rescue you and honor you. With a long life I will satisfy you and let you behold My salvation.

Psalm 91:15&16

Nothing is impossible

My child, don’t ever let the seemingly impossible stop you from believing. I am the God of the Universe and there is nothing impossible for Me. There is no impossible situation or circumstance that I can’t handle. I have a plan and purpose. Believe Me for the impossible. Believe Me instead of doubting. Believe Me instead of all the lies the devil would have your believe. Choose today to believe Me and don’t let anything or anyone rob you of your faith. For without faith it is impossible to please Me, for those who come to Me must believe that I AM and that I AM a rewarder of those who seek Me. Hebrews 11:6

I Say Possible

My child, what you see as impossible, I say “possible”. When you are weak, I am strength. Get your eyes off yourself and look to Me. Quit relying on yourself and trust Me. Life is not a cake walk, it’s a faith walk. All I am asking you to do is believe.

“Do not be unbelieving, but believing. Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed. John 20: 27 & 29.

All Things Are Possible

My child, don’t sell Me short. Don’t think about all the things you can and can’t do. With Me all things are possible. Start wrapping your mind around Me and what I can do. Don’t base your life on your strengths and your capabilities. I am God and I still perform miracles. Next time you doubt or fear, look to Me, your Savior, the Creator and risen Lord. Stand back and watch the impossible become a reality.