Tag Archives: encourage

Fruit’s Proof

What’s encouraging is the fact that somewhere along the line we come to a point where it’s virtually impossible to get mired once again in the pit of the old self. Why? Because our character has been permanently altered—who we are has changed. Once our character is transformed, we truly no longer are our former self.

Yes, we’ll continue to be confronted with the issues of our old nature (our old self). That’s why we must always be vigilant. But though we may slip, we won’t turn back! My guess is that those who throw in the towel have never experienced any meaningful degree of transformation in the first place.

The “fruit of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control”—firmly entrenched within provides bona fide proof that metamorphosis has taken hold.(Galatians 5:22-23).

It’s true that God can cause one or more of these virtues to sporadically spring forth according to the need of the moment, even before they become the rock-solid foundation of our character. But just stop and think what it must be like to enjoy the advantage of the fruit of the Spirit deeply-rooted and dominant in your life.(Galatians 5:24)

Living Stones

Each and every child of Mine is precious and an intrical part of My spiritual building. I am the Chief Cornerstone, but you and those around you are part of what I’m building. Never tear down, only build up. Strengthen and encourage, affirm and exhort. Stop criticizing and judging. That is not what I’ve called you to. Where correction is necessary, do it in love. Where discipline is required, use humility. Always see others more important than yourself and you will do well. Guard your heart from pride and always share My love. I came to bring you life and joy. Live an abundant life and make joy in Me a high priority.

Ephesians 2:19-22   John 10:10   John 17:13