A lifestyle of intimacy. That is what I want from you. That is what you can offer Me. Your life. Your all. Your whole heart. I want all of you with nothing held back. Then I will pour out My blessings on you. Then you will see Me glorified. Then you will have purpose and meaning in your life. Then you will bear much fruit.
Tag Archives: intimacy
My child, My intention for you was never about focusing on what you can produce or what you could do for Me. My intention has always been about relationship. I desire a people who want to come into an intimate relationship with Me. Not by coercion, not by force, but by faith and by desire. To come to Me for Me. To want to spend time with Me for the sheer delight of it. No amount of work will boost your favor in My eyes. You can’t earn My love. I have loved you from the beginning. Before you had a chance to do anything right or wrong. I love you and I always will.
My word for you today is Intimacy. This is what I desire from you most. Stop all the ‘doing’ today and just ‘be’ intimate with Me. Listen to My hearts cry for you in John 17. My desire is for oneness. Come to Me My child and rest today. Rest your mind, your emotions and your body. I am here to be intimate with you, to embrace you and to pour out My lovingkindness on you despite any of your flaws or failures. Let Me love on you today. Embrace intimacy with Me today. Your Father who is crazy about you.
My child, I want to be One with you. I want you to experience My joy to the fullest. My joy will be made full in you when you fully surrender all to Me and we are One. This is My chief aim for you, to be one with Me as I am with the Father. Enter into this union. Do not hold back, don’t shrink away. Embrace the intimacy and oneness I am extending to you. Let yourself fall into My arms. I am here to embrace you and draw you into the love relationship your heart longs for.
What The Law Could Never Do
My child, I sent My Son for you, to do what ‘the law’ could never do. My plan from the beginning was relationship, intimate relationship. This could only be achieved by showing you how much I love you. It doesn’t take works of the law, it takes belief in My Son.
My Word Shall Not Pass Away
My child, be careful of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Just because someone says they believe in Me doesn’t mean they know Me. There are those who are trying to lead My people astray and they will have to stand before Me in the day of judgement. Don’t depend on others for your faith. I am calling you into intimacy with Me. I left My Word for you. Read it and believe it. It is still true and it is not going away. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Words shall not pass away. My Word will lead you to intimacy with Me. Matthew 24:35
Intimacy ~ This word scares off most people because they have been hurt. They have put up walls to guard their hearts from ever being hurt again. The enemy knows that when you experience intimacy with Me the walls will crumble. You will know true love, true fulfillment and finally experience the pure joy of intimacy that you were created to have with Me. Don’t be afraid of intimacy with Me. I created your heart and I won’t break it.
My child, being in My family comes with awesome rewards, but also great responsibilities. I draw you in to experience an intimate relationship with Me, but you are responsible for your response. I am calling you deeper. Will you listen? Will you come and let Me take you to that deep communion I long for? This requires your time and cooperation. Let the distractions fade away. Spend time with Me and everything else will be provided for you.
Matthew 6:33
A Two-way Street
We need to be reminded here that interaction with the Spirit of God is the cornerstone of spiritual growth. We also must remember that prayer and meditation in Scripture is most effective when it’s a two-way street—listening as well as speaking. God still speaks to His people today, and learning to walk in intimacy with Him as a daily discipline nurtures the likelihood of hearing His voice.
Our life is never the same once we’ve heard God speak, especially when He does so in a way that addresses our personal circumstances. It changes us like nothing else can. And the beauty is that God wants to speak to us, not just once, but time and again as a natural part of a life built on closeness with Him.(John 16:13-14) Have you sensed God speaking to you? If not, set yourself squarely in His path. You’ll hear Him.
Not into Guilt Trips
Believers often fail to appreciate a principle critical to our pursuit of God. It’s this: God isn’t into guilt trips; He’s on a gift trip. Which means what? It means that everything we need has already been provided in Christ. Picture God’s outstretched hand, all His abundance there for the taking by anyone who will simply come to Him asking for it.(2 Corinthians 1:20)
We can have all we want of God, but on the other hand He will never force anything on us. God won’t brow-beat or coerce His children in any way into receiving what He wants for them. Given the fact that the gift itself (not to mention the Giver) should provide more than sufficient motivation to seek greater intimacy with God, resorting to the use of guilt to compel someone to take advantage of such abundance seems a bit ridiculous, doesn’t it?
It’s true that we are obligated to build relationship with God.(Hebrews 6:12) But a sincere pursuit of God should stem from the fact that we are assured of all He has promised, not by a twisted hope of obtaining God’s blessings from the incentive of guilt, pressure or greed.(2 Corinthians 7:1)
Still, intimacy with God needs to begin somewhere. So it’s not surprising to see our motivation to spend time with Him springing from a somewhat distorted sense of obligation. And that’s an okay beginning. Yet there’s something wrong—something missing—if seeking to be in His presence doesn’t eventually become a pursuit of the heart rather than merely that of duty.
Excerpted from: Free from the Power of Sin: The Keys to Growing in God in Spite of Yourself