Tag Archives: heart

Open Wide

My child, I have a fixed order in this Universe. I created the heavens and earth and I established the boundaries of the land and sea. Because I love you, I created you and drew you to Me. When you opened your heart to Me I came in and revealed My Son to you. This I did because I love you. My love is deeper than anything you have ever known. My love stretches to the highest heavens and to the deepest sea. My love is over all My creation and is extended to every person on earth. Open your heart wider. Give Me full access. Let Me pour more love in and through you. Do not leave any part of you closed off to Me. Open wide. I am waiting to flood you with My love. Your Father who adores you.

My Yoke

My child, come to Me and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and give Me yours. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Don’t take on more than I have asked of you. I desire your heart not your works. Come.

Judgment Comes Easy

My parents named me well. Dan means judge in Hebrew. But I’m not implying that I’m necessarily a good judge of others. What I mean is that I tend to judge quickly. And that’s not always a healthy thing—rarely is it, in fact. Still, that doesn’t seem to stop me; I tend to do it quite naturally from my heart.

It’s funny, too, how soon an emboldened sense of self-righteousness began to take root after I gave my life to the Lord: “What’s that guy doing? Why does he say things like that? Doesn’t he realize how God hates that stuff?” Never mind the fact that I’d find ways to excuse my own motives while doing something equally immature.

Although deep down I knew my lapses in behavior posed troubling questions concerning my own walk with God, these faults still seemed much worse in others. And not only that, I found it really easy to get all puffed up once I began to learn a little more than those around me. Do you suppose this might have stemmed from an attitude of superiority rooted in pride? Oh yeah! In fairness,

I didn’t go around brandishing this attitude (at least I don’t think I usually came off that way). Still, judgment was always there, quietly living its life just underneath the surface.

Victory in Defeat

“What does my sin say about my faith?” Well, though it may be pretty ugly, I wouldn’t beat myself up too badly over it. Of course we fail to believe God perfectly! Jesus remains hidden, and we are but human. And even though Jesus, being our example, never sinned in His humanity, it doesn’t mean that we’ll ever reach such a level of perfection while here on earth. No matter how good we ultimately become as God’s children, we will always experience shortcomings in various areas of our lives.

Still, accepting the reality of our circumstances doesn’t mean that we turn a blind eye to God’s truth. Being naïve to the dynamics of sin as it relates to both faith and obedience, unbelief and disobedience, merely serves to weaken our ability to make right choices. The insightful writer of Hebrews says: “Take care, brethren, lest there should be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart, in falling away from the living God. But encourage one another day after day…lest any of you be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.”(Hebrews 3:12-13) Notice here how sin hardens us, in turn fostering further unbelief. Like a snowball—growing in size and gaining momentum—sin and unbelief feed on each other, serving to lead the believer further down the path toward alienation from God.

In order to prevent this from happening, we must guard our heart—even from seemingly insignificant sins. At the very least, disobedience stalls our growth. At worst, it hardens our heart to the point where we simply cease to believe. Allowing unbelief to take root is absolutely foolhardy, for when faith is shattered, God no longer has a basis for relationship with us.

While absolute sinlessness may not be attainable, walking in the holiness of Christ is. This is why we must never surrender to the domination of sin in our life, but rather set our heart to pursue growth in our faith through obedience. Even though we’ll never fully arrive at the perfection of sinlessness this side of eternity, the important thing is to keep moving forward.(Philippians 3:12-14) God loves watching His children work out their faith in this way, and will never fail to shower His blessing on those He finds so doing.(Philippians 2:12-13) 

Rejoice Always

My child, rejoice in Me always and let your gentle spirit be known to all men for I am near. Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to Me, and My peace which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus. Let your mind dwell on excellent and worthy thoughts and My peace will be with you.

Philippians 4: 4-9

Forever Changed

My child, I am changing you. I am moving in your heart and leading you in the direction I want it to go. I am giving you My hearts desire. Quietly sit in My Presence and listen to My voice. My desire will become your desire when you spend time with Me. Your life will be forever changed when you take the time to listen and obey My voice.

Stategies Against Sin

Sin doesn’t stem primarily from our physical body; it’s a heart problem rooted within the soul. We know that our soul cannot change until it is influenced by a healthy spirit. And nothing happens until our spirit is first empowered by the life of God. But when it is, the soul, mind and body are pushed automatically toward their purpose. Ultimately this is the answer to the dilemma of the sinful weakness of the flesh.

This, of course, doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t consciously try to curb sin in our flesh by saying no to it. It would be pretty foolish to let sin run rampant in our body while waiting for change to happen within our heart. Rather, these strategies are designed to work hand in hand with each other. Only when we renounce sin in our flesh and then couple it with the pursuit of healing and change in our heart do we stand a chance of experiencing transformation in our behavior.

Put God in charge–and then cooperate with Him. He has a plan!

Excerpted from: Free from the Power of Sin: The Keys to Growing in God in Spite of Yourself