Tag Archives: worldly

Worldly Things

My child, let the worldly things fall off and fade away. Seek Me above all else and I will give you what truly satisfies. My love, joy and peace touch the soul and fills the heart like nothing else. Don’t settle for less than the best I have to give you.

Your Father who deeply loves you.

Kingdom Living

My child, I have set you apart. You belong to Me. Avoid getting caught up in all the world has to offer. You are a soldier in My Kingdom. Don’t entangle yourself in the affairs of everyday life. You are not to go after the worldly but the heavenly prize. Start thinking more about Kingdom living and less about earthly surviving. Start focusing on Me and seeking My face and stop trying to please people who don’t care about your soul. Consider yourself dead to sin and alive to Me.

2 Timothy 2: 4&5  Romans 6:11