Tag Archives: love

Life Of Love

My child, this life of love that I have called you to is not a natural life. It can only be lived out in the Super-Natural power of My Holy Spirit. On your own and in your own strength, loving others the way I designed you to is impossible. That is why I ask you to come to Me and receive My love. Let Me love through you. On your own this is impossible, but with Me all things are possible.

Matthew 19:26


My child, let all that you do be done in love. The only way you will be able to accomplish this is through Me. I will provide all the love you need. Come to Me and receive. Then you will be able to give out. I am love and I am in you. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

1 Corinthians 16:14  1 Peter 4:8

Worldly Things

My child, let the worldly things fall off and fade away. Seek Me above all else and I will give you what truly satisfies. My love, joy and peace touch the soul and fills the heart like nothing else. Don’t settle for less than the best I have to give you.

Your Father who deeply loves you.

Unity ~ Love ~ Joy

My child, My heart is unity, love and joy among the believers. When you are united in Me, then who can stand against? When you love with My love, walls come tumbling down. When you live with joy, you attract the lost. Unity, love and joy. Life in these and I will bring great revival here.


Abound in Love

My child, I the Lord cause you to increase and abound in love for on another and for all people. I am faithful and I will bring it to pass. Some may grow cold in their love, but not you. You are to press in to Me and allow My love to abound. Be My vessel of love and grace today.

1 Thessalonians 3:12 & 24


My child, go in confidence, love and power. I give you whatever you need to carry out your calling. Go in My authority but with all humility and kindness. I will use you as you walk in obedience, love and remain humble. Let My Holy Spirit flow through you and the world will see My glory.

Micah 6:8


My child, walk in faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love. Pursue love. Let My love flow inside of you and then spill out onto others. I will fill you and heal you as you allow Me to have more access into your life. Only then can you love others with My love. Be filled to overflowing and change the course of this world.

1 Corinthians 13:13

Love ~ Grace ~ Power

My child, this is eternal life, that you know Me the only true God and Jesus Christ who I sent. I desire that you know Me and that My joy be made full in you. And that there be unity and love in you and you make My Name known in all the world. I also desire that you be with Me where I am so you can see My glory, but until that time, be about My business here on earth. My love is in you. My grace is in you. My power is in you. Walk by My Spirit in love, grace and power.

John 17

My Grace

My child, My beauty is all around you. My creation speaks of My wonder and grace. Grace that is sufficient for you in this present moment. Let My love be the filter and focus of your life. Keep Me and My grace in your mind always. You are an extension of My love. Let Me soak you in My love today.