Tag Archives: passion

Greatest Delight

My child, I want to be your greatest delight. I want to be the first One you think about in the morning and your last thought at night. I want to consume you. For when you are consumed in Me, your life will be overflowing in joy. Life was never meant to be lived apart from Me. I created you for Me. I created you for joy. When you delight yourself in Me you will find true joy. Let Me be your passion and I will satisfy your soul.

Passions and Desires

My child, I give you a glimpse of My plan for you by putting passion in your heart. But I want you to walk in faith and continue to keep your focus on Me. I don’t want you off doing your own thing. That only leads to pride and pride leads to destruction. If you rely on Me and offer up your passions and desires to Me, I can make something beautiful of your life. It’s not a bad thing to have these desires. It’s only that I want to continually be your first love.

Matthew 6:33