Tag Archives: attitude

Seize The Moment

My child, do not worry about the future. Learn to live one day at a time to the fullest. Live the day like it was your last. Take each moment and learn to cherish time spent with Me and others. Learn to laugh, be joyful, love others with My love, weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. Seize the moment. Bring encouragement, build up and be thankful. Life is too short to be spent complaining and being in a bad mood. Get over intolerance and irritability. Your attitude reflects who I am in you. I am not in a bad mood. I long to be a fragrant aroma in and through you.

Enjoy Your Life

My child, whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might. Do it as if you were working for Me for I am Lord over all. I roam the whole earth looking for those who serve Me with their whole hearts, and I delight when I find them. Keep your ways pure and your attitude right. Learn the find joy in everything you do. People are watching and they will be drawn to Me as you learn to enjoy your life in Me.

Ecclesiastes 9:10   2 Chronicles 16:8


Choosing to be Devoted

Godliness is devotion which is characterized by an attitude toward doing that which pleases God. Make no mistake about it: both devotion and attitude are choices made by an act of our will.

To be sure, this is what has been set before us as believers: to pursue a life pleasing to Him, or not to pursue it. Deciding whether or not to pursue intimacy with God has its rewards, and its consequences.

Ask any parent. Ask them what they value most: an adult child who desires to be close for the sake of relationship itself, or one who relates to them either from a sense of obligation or from a selfish fear that they might forfeit something of personal benefit. They’ll tell you! The parents love both children equally. But which do you think will receive more attention from the parent? Which deserves the richness of their full companionship and support?

God is like that. Because of His love, He doesn’t reject His children when they don’t show much interest in pursuing Him. And He doesn’t get much pleasure from those who pursue Him merely from a sense of compulsion or requirement. Just imagine, though, how thrilled He must be with those whose motives are pure—who want Him just because He’s Dad.


My child, thankfulness opens up a life of joy. When you are thankful and have a grateful heart I am glorified and motivated to bless you with more. It’s when you judge, criticize and feel sorry for yourself that I back off and stay quiet. Don’t live your life in a bitter state of despair. Count your blessings and rejoice. Change your attitude and be thankful. There’s no better way to live.