Tag Archives: troubled

Peace I Give To You

Pease I leave with you. My peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. I am in control and doing a new thing in you. Press in and have faith. Release your fears and rest in My great love for you. You can experience My peace as you choose to believe Me every moment of every day. Have faith My child.

John 14:27

Stay Focused

My child, I don’t want you to have a divided heart. I want you to focus on Me. Keep your eyes on Me no matter where I take you or what comes up in your life. Stay focused on Me. If you let your circumstances rule you you’ll be miserable. Always come back to the truth and the promises in My word. Let not your heart be troubled or worried. Trust in Me alone. I am all you need.