Tag Archives: responsibility

Obedience through Serving

Our walk with Jesus was never meant to be stagnant. He wants us to be continually moving forward with Him. And moving forward means not sitting idly by waiting for black and white instructions, but rather serving God to the best of our ability with what we know of His will right now.

The Bible is full of very explicit instructions concerning God’s will—not necessarily His unique purpose for us individually, but His bidding for each and every one of us as believers in more general terms. So we need to be about obediently implementing these responsibilities. At its most basic level, serving God means serving others. We know from Scripture that at the very least God wants this. So why not start there?


My child, as you are faithful in the small things, I will bring you more. With more comes more responsibility. Remain in Me and I will give you the ability and strength you’ll need for the outpouring to come. Revival is coming and the harvest is ripe. I need laborers. You will see much fruit as you stay close to Me and remain faithful.

Matthew 25:23  Matthew 9:37-38