Tag Archives: domain

Domain of Darkness

What is this “domain of darkness” the Bible talks about? Is this darkness merely sin, or should it also be thought of as a state of lawlessness? Actually, sin and lawlessness are one and the same(1 John 3:4).

It’s helpful to see that sin, by its very nature, is a shunning of God’s law. The citizens of the kingdom of darkness are those who rebelliously make sin the practice of their life. They spurn what they know of God, willfully choosing the opposite of His revealed law—or at least carefully skirting it.

They live in rebellion against God. And yes, without Christ, even those who are considered to be good people fall into this category.

Jesus Is the Kingdom

Paul tells us that God has, “…delivered us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”(Colossians 1:12-13) But it’s a little hard to believe, isn’t it? Being trapped in these fleshly bodies here in this fallen world leads us to believe anything but. Yet it’s true!

Did you notice here that this is another of those “in Him” verses? Being “in Christ” is synonymous with being redeemed—rescued from the domain of darkness while simultaneously birthed as God’s child into Christ’s kingdom. But we need some fresh thinking about what it actually means to be a son or daughter of His kingdom. Why? Because Christ’s kingdom isn’t merely some sort of divine institution here on earth, or even that glorious place where we go once we die; Jesus is the kingdom!