Tag Archives: die

Dead? Com’on!

The fact is that God truly did cause our old self to die, even though we still have to drag the weight of it around in our new life in Christ. “But how can I get rid of that monster?” Well, the truth is that God has gotten rid of it for us. In the Greek, to “be done away with” literally means to be made powerless.

This means that, even though it’s still there causing lots of trouble, the flesh—“our body of sin”—has actually become a non-issue for us as children of God. Why? Because the flesh has been made powerless! Now this can obviously be somewhat confusing, but you’ll clearly see why and how it is if you read my book.

Release Everything

My child, I am with you in your garden of prayer. I am standing with you and intercession with you as you release everything and everyone to Me. In the garden of prayer as you release everything it may seem like loss, but resurrection follows. Life follows. Glory follows. Don’t doubt when I call you to die to a matter or release a person, thing or dream. Only when you die to it can I truly cause it to grow.