Tag Archives: Bride

Revival Is Coming

My child, revival is coming like never before. It will not look like times past. I am doing something new. Keep your eyes fixed on Me. Do not look to the right or the left. I am drawing a people to Myself. It is by My hand and by My power that My bride will come and return to her Lord. Pure and spotless she will return. Set your mind on things above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory. Colossians 3:2-4

Take Hold of Authority

The problems of this world are huge. Way too many for just one person to solve. I never intended to have only one person be responsible for the entire world’s problems. But the church, My bride, working together in unity, praying together in unity, being filled with the Holy Spirit can move mountains. Where two or three are gathered in My Name, I am there. I hear, I move, I will do battle on behalf of My church. The victory is won. Satan is defeated. My bride needs to take hold of the authority she has and enter in to the victorious place of standing firm on My promises. Watch Me move these mountains as the church prays together in unity.

Do Not Fear

My child, be strong and courageous. Do not fear nor be dismayed, for I the Lord your God am with you. I will not fail you nor forsake you. Believe that I will bring you through this. You are My beloved bride whom I have chosen and whom I love with everlasting love. Do not fear.

1 Chronicles 28:20


My child, I am causing a shift in the earth. I am raising up My bride, pure and spotless. When you see the world getting darker and more evil, know that I am in control and I have the victory. Hold on to Me and walk in faith. Don’t lose hope and don’t fear. Set your eyes, mind and heart firmly on Me and My promises. I am coming. I will be victorious. I am in control!


My child, you belong to Me. You are My chosen, beloved, bought and paid for bride. Because I love you with an everlasting love, you can trust Me with your life. My plans for you are good. Let go of everything you’ve been holding on to and let Me embrace you fully into My bosom. This life is not meant to be a drudgery or boring. Come to Me for the adventure of a lifetime.

My Bride: Jerusalem

My child, you are My bride. You are My Jerusalem whom I love and cherish. For I am calling forth My bride, new Jerusalem. She is making herself ready for the day of My return. It has been in My heart from the beginning to raise up a people to know Me and follow after Me with their whole hearts. To you it has been granted My child, you I have called forth to rule and reign in My beloved city Jerusalem. I have removed your filthy rags and clothed you in festal robes. I have removed the reproach of the land and brought forth a lavish banquet. You look at Jerusalem as a place, I see her as a people. Just as I am outside of time, I also am outside of space. I am calling a people to be a crown of beauty in My hand. No longer will you be forsaken or desolate, but you will be called My delight is in her, for I delight in you. You are My holy people, the redeemed of the Lord; and you will be called, sought out, a city not forsaken. Isaiah 62.

“And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride, adorned for her husband.” Revelation 21:2

Walk with Expectation

“Rise up O bride. I am stirring up My power. My face is shining on My people and they will be saved. Walk with expectation. Sing for joy. Live in the full knowledge of My promises for those you love. For I delight in unchanging love. My lovingkindness is everlasting. I redeem lives from the pit. I satisfy your years with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle. Rise up O bride. Rejoice and be glad, for the time is near for you to see My lovingkindness poured out on your children’s children. I the Lord have established My throne in the heavens and My sovereignty rules over all.”
Micah 7:18, Psalm 8:2, Psalm 103:5 & 17