Tag Archives: strengthen

Obedience of Faith

Not only has God freed us from the power of sin, but He has provided a means by which we can move past these problems. It’s God’s intention to build solid character in us as we submit to Him through “the obedience of faith.” And this takes time. So, don’t be overly disheartened by your sin as it inevitably comes. Rather, let your failures drive you to God so that He can use them to strengthen your resolve to live for Him.

            Each time we say no to sin, it makes it a little easier to say no the next time. Think of it as being like a cup of coffee. If you refill your cup with a shot of espresso each time you drink a little, soon the coffee will virtually be all espresso. It just keeps getting stronger and stronger. But if instead you add a bit of water each time you take a sip, the coffee will soon be diluted to the point of practically being all water.

So it is with sin. As we systematically resist sin, we just naturally set ourselves on the road to the victory. But while that’s important, it’s not enough. Because sin is primarily a heart issue, first and foremost is the issue of pursuing intimacy with Jesus as He dwells within us through His Spirit. We must remember that our spirit can draw life from God only when firmly attached to Him.

New Song

My child, I have put a new song in your heart. I have heard your cry and I have set your feet upon My rock. Rejoice and be glad in Me today. I give you fresh vision for each day and my mercies are new every morning. Let My joy sustain and strengthen you. Depend on Me alone. I will never fail you.

Psalm 40,   Lamentations 3:22-23,   Nehemiah 8:10,   Deuteronomy 31:8