Tag Archives: Myth

Dispelling a Myth

Let’s dispel a myth quite popular in Christian circles. It is this: the idea that our life here on earth would be so wonderful if only Adam had not sinned. Well, I suppose it would be, but all the same it stands in direct opposition to God’s purpose. Why? Because given the nature of man, Adam was doomed to sin. Strong words, I know, yet true. But why would God set the stage for that to happen—both to him and to us? Couldn’t we more wholeheartedly commit ourselves to Christ’s lordship if sin were never an issue?

What could possibly be wrong with wanting complete freedom from the influence of sin so that single-minded devotion to God might not only be easier but more pleasurable? Well, we need to think about what letting us slide through life here on earth in the comfort and security of sinlessness would ultimately achieve. It’s only possible outcome would be a good life here, with the added hope of even a better eternal life in heaven.

What’s the problem with that, you might ask? The trouble with this notion is that, while nice, it’s not God’s reality. He has a much greater purpose for our lives, because our eternal destiny with Him in heaven is indeed much more than just a wonderful place to spend eternity.

Excerpted from: Free from the Power of Sin: The Keys to Growing in God in Spite of Yourself