Tag Archives: make the most out of today

Live in the Now

My child, stop living in the past of what you could have done, or what you should have done. Don’t bemoan the past or live with regrets. The past is past. I also don’t want you to live in the future. You don’t know what the future holds, but you do know Who holds the future. I am here NOW! I want you to live in this present moment. Make the most out of this day. Live as if this was your last day here on earth. Let love replace regret and fear. Let hope replace despair. Let joy overflow and peace well up and really live in the here and now. What would you do if you knew today was your last? How would you live? Would you worry and fret about tomorrow? Cast all your cares on Me and embrace today,. Be engaged in today and I will take care of your tomorrows.