Tag Archives: Maintainable

Attainable ~ Maintainable ~ Sustainable

These three words have been rolling over and over in my head lately. I’m wondering how many people have achieved their goal weight only to find that it’s not maintainable over the long haul. I did some googling and found this to be a major challenge in the weight loss world. What is a maintainable and sustainable weight? Who determines it? How can you hold on to the gains you’ve made in lean body mass, if you’re weight lifting and keep those wretched fat pounds off?

Much has been written about this I’m sure. For me, in my second half of life, I want to live in a body that I’m happy with and one that will sustain me into my latter years. This means I’m going to be eating foods that nourish my body and won’t do it harm. More fruits and veggies, less processed and packaged foods. I’m juicing more green vegetables as a way to get more of the good stuff in. What I’ve found is that when I drink green vegetable juice, I’m less hungry. I’m feeding my cells, nourishing them and the hunger disappears. Wow, what a concept. Feed the body what it needs and it will automatically turn off the hunger switch! Too many eat more calories than needed and don’t even come close to satisfying the cravings. Only intensifying them and turning on the “feed me” switch with a vengeance.

Give your body what it needs. It’s smart. It will respond and treat you well. I can live on fruits, veggies, grains, beans and nuts. Trying to live on processed, packaged or dead food will only lead to disease and early death. I’m going for a more attainable, maintainalbe and sustainable approach. Feed me live foods and live the abundant life!