Tag Archives: fat

Getting Enough Calories?

This is a question that I struggled with when a coach asked me this back a few months ago. My target calories were 1300 per day. I was bound and determined to lose some fat and thought that this would do it. Well now it’s July and I have finally realized that I wasn’t eating enough calories! Since then, I’ve started eating around 1800 calories for most days. I eat a plant-based vegan diet getting around 100 grams of protein a day. I eat a lot of green leafy veggies, as well as high protein grains, beans, lentils, soy, almond butter in small quantities, some nuts & seeds and rice, hemp and pea protein. I’ve been watching my measurements move in the right direction. The scale is irrelevant to me so I only use that as a tool to check my body fat. This coach also helped break my scale addiction as well. I’m so thankful for the support and encouragement to get my head wrapped around the higher calories, dump the ‘ideal’ scale weight and hit the weights HARD AND HEAVY!

I’m starting to see some definition and I KNOW I am fueling my body, building muscle and melting the fat off. I have more energy than when I was in my 20’s and 30’s! This was a huge revelation to me. My moods are no longer affected by a dumb number on a scale and my clothes are nice and loose! Thank goodness for the sale racks. I just found a pair of new jeans for $26.00 after a $10.00 off coupon! 

All things are possible with God! You just gotta believe Him!

I’m 52, soon to be 53, and there is no turning back from this lifestyle. I LOVE it!

Anyone struggling with the question of calories? Try fueling your body with high quality foods, hit the weights and see what happens. Know that your body will try to hold on to every bit of fat it can when it thinks you’re in starvation mode. Avoid that at all cost! Build up some muscle and the fat will fade away when you get the balance right.  Feel free to email me with any questions.

Seven Ingredients to a Healthy & Fit Lifestyle #6

Ingredient # 6 – Nutrition! Finally we’re going to talk about food!! An ancient Egyptian doctor once said, “Man eats too much. Thus he lives on only a quarter of what he consumes. The doctors however, live on the remaining three quarters! So true. Our doctors are living on our western diet obesity epidemic. Over 1/3 of the U.S. adults are considered obese. That doesn’t even take into account the ones in the overweight category.

Our bodies need to be nurished. When you give your body nutrient dense foods they will fuel your cells. Eating foods as close to the way God made them as possible such as whole fruits, vegetables and grains will give you energy and leave you with a feeling of satisfaction. When you eat processed, empty calorie foods, you’ll be left hungry and craving more because you’re not nurishing it.. Your body wants to be fed, but not only just to fill up your stomach, it wants to be nourished with whole, natural, live foods. When you put these types of foods in, your brain’s hunger mechanism automatically turns off. It KNOWS when your body has received what it needs and says “ENOUGH FOOD! YOU CAN STOP EATING NOW!”

If you need to lose weight, keep track of the calories your taking in. You need to eat at a deficit. When you eat less than your total daily energy expenditure, you will lose weight. If you don’t keep track, you’ll have a tendency to forget those few nuts, the cafe’ latte or that bite of cake you just didn’t want to go to waste…but ends up going to your “waist”.  Do you want to double your efforts? Add exercise.

There are many tools on-line that will help you track your calories. MyFitnessPal.com and Livestrong.com/Dailyplate are free and easy to use. Keep track for a few weeks to get an idea of how many calories you’re actually eating. You might be surprised and it may be just the information you need to start you on a plan to lose those extra pounds. It sure works for me.

The foods I’d highly recommend that you start decreasing are sugar, sodas, white flour, cakes, cookies, processed foods, fried foods and ice cream. Add in green leafy vegetables, high protein grains such as quinoa, beans, lentils and fresh fruits.

Eat smaller meals three hours apart. You’ll keep those hunger pangs away if you make sure you’re eating nutrient dense foods every three hours. And did I mention that my energy is through the roof eating this way? It’s true. Try it and see for yourself.

Compliance is what’s important. We’re not expected to be perfect 100% of the time. There will be those occasions to have a treat. But if you are compliant 85 to 90% of the time, then you can enjoy your treats with out any guilt. Who needs extra guilt these days? Go a ahead and have that treat. Only make sure you enjoy it on special occasions only!.