My child, in Me you have all things. In Me you are made whole. In Me you can do the impossible. In Me you have the right to be called righteous. In Me you have eternal life. In Me your future is secure and your joy is made full. In Me you have abundant life. In Me you are strong. In Me you have victory over your enemies. In Me you rule and reign and have authority. In Me you are forgiven, sanctified and made clean. In Me you have the ability to carry out the purpose I have for you. In Me you are a new creature. In Me you can move mountains. In Me you are more than a conqueror. In Me you will succeed. In Me you can trust your life. Your eternity is secure in Me. Live in the confidence I have provided for you. Stop saying I can’t. Stop thinking lack. Believe Me and walk in the promises I have given you. Put your confidence in Me, not yourself because it’s only In Me that you will accomplish your purpose here on earth and bear much fruit. Keep your eyes on Me, Jesus, the Lover of your soul.