
I desire to be one with you. United, set apart, sanctified, so that you will be in Me and I in you. This is the intimacy I want for us My child. Oneness. A love so great awaits all those who come and seek Me with their whole heart. My love, My joy, My peace inside of you. My Spirit dwelling inside of you, revealing all that the Father has for you. Enter into this intimacy. Do not be afraid of it. Do not hold back. Complete joy and total satisfaction awaits you. I alone can fulfill your greatest need. The emptiness that you experience is a lack of Me. Only I can fill that void. There are no replacements, no substitutions. Everything besides Me leads to greater need and greater dissatisfaction. Come My child and get whole, pure unadulterated love, joy and peace from the One who loves you with everlasting lovingkindness. Come My love, enter into the joy of your salvation. 

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About Karen Lemburg

Hi I'm Karen, wife, mother and grandmother. I am on the journey of a more intimate relationship with God. I'm blessed to married to a wonderful husband who is also in pursuit of intimacy with our Lord. We work together in real estate and ministry. We have four children, seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.