Created for Intimacy

My child, how I long to give you a greater desire for intimacy with Me. How I desire to draw you closer and commune with your every moment of every day. I long for you My child. I love you with an everlasting love. Never think for one minute My thoughts are not on you. My eyes are never turned away. My heart is always reaching out toward you. I am here every moment. In a flash, in a heartbeat, I am right here with you. You don’t see time and space like I do. I created time and space. I created you to have deep fellowship with Me. Come in to the relationship you were designed to have with me. You are My joy and My bride. 

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About Karen Lemburg

Hi I'm Karen, wife, mother and grandmother. I am on the journey of a more intimate relationship with God. I'm blessed to married to a wonderful husband who is also in pursuit of intimacy with our Lord. We work together in real estate and ministry. We have four children, seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.