You Are Valuable

My child, you have been bought with a price. You are so precious and valuable to Me. Lift up your eyes and see all that I have given you. Salvation, eternal life, Supernatural peace and My unconditional love. You have so much value and worth. Never compare or degrade yourself. You belong to Me. The price I paid for you was My beloved Son. When I look at you, I see Him.

“Father, forgive me for comparing myself to others. Forgive me for not liking who I am and for all the negative things I say about myself. Give me eyes to see myself as You see me. Help me to value myself as You value me. Help me to take my eyes off of the negative and put them on You, my Redeemer and My God.”

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About Karen Lemburg

Hi I'm Karen, wife, mother and grandmother. I am on the journey of a more intimate relationship with God. I'm blessed to married to a wonderful husband who is also in pursuit of intimacy with our Lord. We work together in real estate and ministry. We have four children, seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.