Tag Archives: Challenge

Besetting Sin

What is probably the most confusing and disheartening of all challenges for a believer—besetting sin. This is the kind of sin that doesn’t happen just once or twice, but is a recurring problem in a believer’s life. You simply can’t seem to get over it! Beset is defined as “to trouble or harass. And trouble and harass it does!

For me, as I experienced being born again and infused with the life and power of God, much of my sinful behavior seemed to simply drop off of me. I don’t know how to better describe it—I just didn’t have a problem with certain things anymore. I was delivered, to put it in Christian jargon.

But other weaknesses persisted in my nature, causing me to fall into the same sin over and over again. You might say, “Well, you had the choice.” Indeed I did have the choice each time temptation presented itself. But the problem was that I continued to make the wrong choice, because each time the temptation seemed so overwhelming.