Category Archives: Karen’s Blog


My child, through the uncertainty know this, I am here and you can trust Me. Even though you can’t see the future, I can. You just need to put your faith in Me, not in the things of this world. Intimacy with Me is what I desire. Leave everything else in My hands. 


My child, I have the answers you are searching for. I have given you everything you need. Do not be surprised at the trials you face in this life. In the world you have tribulations, but take courage; I have overcome the world. John 16:13


My child, I’ve got you. Cling to Me and you will be safe. Don’t look to the left or the right. Look to Me. Keep your eyes focused on Me and your way will be established. For I have set you apart even from your mother’s womb and called you to Myself. You are secure in the shelter of the Most High as you abide in the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91 


My child, I want you to listen to My voice, not the voices of the world. My voice and My word will satisfy what is lacking in your soul. The voice and the words of the world will only increase the cravings that never will be satisfied. I alone can fill you. I alone can satisfy your soul and bring peace in this chaotic world.

Rest to the Weary

My child, listen to Me. In this world there are many choices and distractions. So many things clamoring for your attention. So many things to think about and to try and figure out. Only one thing is important. Come to Me, My child. Come and soak in My presence. Abide in Me. In this world there is terror and destruction, pestilence and disease. But you My child, abide in My shelter, dwell under My wings. I am your shield. So many look for answers outside of Me, but you are to remain in Me, steadfast, protected and in My care. You will experience peace that surpasses understanding. The cares of this world will not affect you. People will notice you are not affected by them and will want to know your secret. I am your secret. Lead them to Me, the only One who can bring comfort to this world that is caught up in crisis and despair. Bring them to Me and I will bring rest to the weary. 


My child, you may try to limit Me, but My power is limitless. I can do above and beyond what you are capable of asking or thinking. My ways are so much higher than yours. Release your faith and come up higher to the place of the unlimited potential I have for you. Never put limits on what I can do through you. 

Fulness of Joy

My child, as you surrender all to Me, I will give you everything you need. You will see with My eyes, you will hear My voice, you will operate in the supernatural spiritual realm and experience all I have for you. Fulness of joy is in Me alone. 

He is coming!

O hear from heaven, rejoice in the Lord. Hear the sound of the trumpet. Hear the mighty roar. The Lord our God is coming! He is coming for the lost, for the hurting, for the poor. Shout for joy and sing aloud. It is a great and glorious day. A day when all men, tribes and nations will see our glorious Lord coming in the clouds. Coming to avenge the saints. To bring justice to all who have suffered for His Name. 

Choose Life

My child, the path is laid out in front of you. Walk in it. I am the way, the truth and the life. I am calling you to a deeper more intimate path. Will you choose My way? In Me is life, peace and joy. Choose life.